^The Final Upgrades Vision Realized!^
Posted on: October 28, 2022

Though finishing the lighthouse was a grand project, I had a few other lots that needed a final upgrade for all the development of the island to be fully complete.
While that did require more work on my part, it seemed far less than the projects I’d taken on before. And seeing that the end was very much in sight, I put all my focus on putting the pin on the final upgrades.

I was well-rewarded for the effort. In fact, even Furball complimented the final steps of progress for the island, claiming that the vision of the sanctuary was realized. I like the sound of that.
I did not go without some rewards, either. I was gifted an honorary set of farming gear, for one thing. The pants are very comfy, I admit!
I also made the first purchase with cowries from the vendor – a fine farming bike that should serve to get me around the island much faster!

It does help that it also appears to fly! This allowed me to make my way to as of yet unexplored areas, especially at the top of the mountain. What a glorious view!

Well, now that the island is fully developed, it seems like Cadu and I can take a bit of a break. There are still creatures for me to domesticate, of course, and the market to be won. But the building aspect is complete – ‘tis time to reap what we have sown.
Thankfully, we have a nice, comfy bed to rest on now.

Thanks for joining us on our journey! Should the island need further development, I will be sure to document once more!
^Island Chat^