^A Spelunking We Will Go!^
Posted on: May 29, 2023

Upon returning to my island during a routine visit, I noticed the Furball waving me down. Now, I usually ignore the Furball as much as I am able, but they seemed very vehement about getting my attention, so I came to see what was the matter.
Turns out, there have been reports of strange wailings from around the mountain as of late. Furball had the nerve to insinuate that the well-being of the mammets was my responsibility, and told me I should check it out.
This I did do, but more out of personal curiosity than because Furball to me to.

Sure enough, I could hear the sounds of some sort of creatures on the other side of the mountain’s face. Surely, this could mean that ‘tis hollow?
I took this information back to the Furball, and they had just the mammet in mind to help delve deeper into this mystery. Upon returning to the mountainside, I met with a miner mammet who was most eager to start the digging process. All they needed was some spelunking tools.
Well, seeing that I’ve been gathering materials all this while, I had more than enough to craft such tools. With that, the mammets got to work!

Before long, the industrious crew had uncovered what appeared to be a pathway leading down into some caverns. The mammet was quite quick to suggest I set out to explore it. After all, there could be any manner of creature or materials down there.
Being that they were correct, and I was thinking the self-same thought, ‘tis what I set out to do.

What could be waiting inside? Cadu and I would find out!
^Island Chat^