^The Quaint Clock Tower ^
Posted on: September 24, 2023

I admit that 'twas a little hard to wait for this landmark to be completed. Not only would it be the final touch to my island (aside from upgrading the new facilities that were being built just below it), but a clock tower just feels like my sort of thing.
You know. With gears and clockwork and all that sort.
So, upon the time of completion, I was there to see it unveiled. And ‘twas, indeed, quaint but in a glorious sort of way!

It even looks like you are able to visit the clock face itself if you so desire!

I was pleased by the accomplishment. Even the Furball had mostly kind words to offer for getting the job done. In fact, she pointed to my leadership skills as the cement that kept it all together, though I must argue that while I didn't set a brick, I did mine the stone. Either way, for her, this is a fairly large praise.

I agree. I’m happy with what it’s become – though I know it can do with some decorating from here in. For now, however, the seasons turn and I choose to simply enjoy the final days of summer-like weather with some rest. Though I doubt it ever actually gets cold here.

^Island Chat^