^Release the Minions!^
Posted on: September 23, 2022
So, I was informed that I could allow my minion friends to wander around areas of the island, sharing in the clean air and clear water. Of course, I jumped at the chance to invite my little pals as welcome company.
Little did I know that when I did, they come with… phrases. I’m not sure what else to name the phenomenon. Here’s some examples!

This makes sense, though I rather expected a –hiss- instead.
Accompaniment Node

Excuse me node? Rude!
Allagan Melon

I admit that I didn’t know what to expect from this one.
Tiny Rat

Another one that makes good sense.

Wait. Three heads. Two barks. I feel robbed.

I couldn’t expect less, I suppose.
Wind-up Fuath

Indeed, my friend. Indeed!
^Island Chat^