December 2018
Dream Hat
Posted on: December 2, 2018

Scylla is often too serious… BUT. When I gifted her a Dream Hat, she did wear it!
Amon Will Plot with Anything
Posted on: December 16, 2018

Amon /scheming at a mining node. Looks like he’s being pretty persuasive, too. Actually, this happened by accident. I think I went to mine the node and clicked the /scheme emote instead. It looked so funny that I snapped a screen. Only just re-found this pic tonight as I took it a while back!
Starlight Fun
Posted on: December 18, 2018

Allagans are having some Starlight fun! This event was practically made for Amon – the achievement is even called Curtain Call!
Level 50 Alchemist Get!
Posted on: December 22, 2018

I’ve finally begun to make my mark among the Alchemist Guild. I’ve taken my time infiltrating proving myself in order to not call too much attention to my existing knowledge. I have to say the outfit it pretty spiffy, though.
Posted on: December 24, 2018

Scylla twisted my arm and I unlocked Raba for Amon tonight. He only did it to gain entry to the Prima Vista, of course. Now to get hired on as one of the cast!
Happy Starlight Eve
Posted on: December 24, 2018

Top: Scylla tells Amon to “Talk to the Hand!” (Yes, I just dated myself)
Bottom: Choir girls Koh and Scylla :)
Happy Starlight!
Posted on: December 25, 2018

Hoping that on this Starlight, you get to spend it with someone that you… uh… can mostly tolerate.
…To a point.
…Until the snark starts to fly.
…Er… Happy Starlight!
Fetching Addition
Posted on: December 27, 2018

Newest addition to the lab-space. Rather fetching if you ask me!
New Barding
Posted on: December 28, 2018

Picked up some new barding for the ‘bo. Had my eye on this set, waiting for it to drop a bit in price on the marketboard.
Also finally got around to dying the feathers. I was shooting for a red, but the chocolate brown it ended up as looks pretty nice, too. So I kept it.
Surprise Nameday Lunch!
Posted on: December 31, 2018

I noticed something odd when I arrived this morning… Scylla was training her culinary skills! ((And Scylla does not craft, so that’s a pretty big deal.))
I soon discovered the reason for this – she’d prepared a Nameday lunch for me! And, naturally, she didn’t forget the salad.

Not only that, but a grand Nameday cake adorned the table, and she gifted me the most curious Magitek Avenger F1 minion! I am beside myself – thank you!
Not to mention, the cake is sublime.

…And it’s been a while since I’ve seen Scylla wear her hair without a braid. Also curious!