December 2019
- A Boy and His Bird!
- Impressed?
- Amon TV Tropes
- Rocking Around the FC Christmas Tree
- Amon’s Top Secret Lab (Remake)
- Want Some Tea?
- Hmm… Wonder What He’s Looking At
- Santamon is Coming to Town! ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
- Happy Starlight!
- Fated Snowball
- Lucky Starlight!
- Another Dawn Artbook
- Another Dawn Art Book Scans
- Midgarsormr Christmas
- Earsocks Return!
- ‘Tis My Nameday Today!
- Happy Year of the Rat!
- Surrounded by Good Fortune!
A Boy and His Bird!
Posted on: December 1, 2019

Tad’s company chocobo, Birchfeather, just learned how to fly today. I snapped a few shots during the process. They both seem quite proud of Birchfeather’s new hat!
Amon TV Tropes
Posted on: December 6, 2019

Today I learned that Amon has his own entry in the FFXIV Antagonist section of TVTropes. Above are the official tropes about his boss fight!
Fun stuff, especially the Large Ham and Nice Hat tropes! Even TVTropes likes the hat.
Amon’s Top Secret Lab (Remake)
Posted on: December 9, 2019

I’ve been redesigning Amon’s Lab in our FC house now that we have a bunch of new furniture options with Shadowbringers.
He’s got a brand new communication “tower” a new workstation, an observation room (complete with note-taking Allagan node and spotlight) and tons of potion bottles! It’s not 100% complete but it’s moving in the right direction.
Anyone on Crystal is welcome to stop by! Just beware the slime leak!
Happy Starlight!
Posted on: December 20, 2019

Your Allagan pals are enjoying the festivities and wish you a Happy Starlight!
Lucky Starlight!
Posted on: December 21, 2019

Tad’s having a great start to this season. Some kind folks were putting on the Crystal Starlight Celebration event in Gridania and giving away /random roll raffle prizes. When I saw the prize was the /lean emote, I tossed a roll on Tad and he came away with the win at 981! It was meant to be!
Also, Birchfeather looks great in his new barding!
Another Dawn Artbook
Posted on: December 22, 2019
Look what my sister and brother-in-law got me for Christmas:

It’s the ARR art book! I am so stoked – there’s so much amazing art in here!!! Expect scans forthcoming when I can get things organized.
Even better, the book included a Model Enterprise minion. I wasn’t sure if the code was still good since this book , but I tried it anyways.
Spoiler: It worked!

Look at that itsy bitsy Cid! :)
Another Dawn Art Book Scans
Posted on: December 22, 2019

Scans from the Another World art book. It’s really neat to see the comments by the designers and artists!
Sorry for the quality of the scans. This is the best I can do with just a little flatbed scanner on hand and no fancy gear.
I know I posted the Amon and Xande pieces here before. But I’d never seen the Scylla – and holy wow do her dogs look terrifying without the masks on! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that concept art before!! D :
Then some neat artwork looking at the areas in Syrcus Tower and what the artists were trying to achieve with it. Followed by what looks to be some concept art for designs that never were used, from the Sketches section.
Earsocks Return!
Posted on: December 26, 2019

Amon’s all ready to play in the snow for the cold weather! Ear socks return!
‘Tis My Nameday Today!
Posted on: December 31, 2019

~32nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon~
Oh, also, Happy Heavensturn!