May 2019
Who Killed Amon…?
Posted on: May 2, 2019

…and tried to hide him under the chair in the FC room? Scylla swears he was like this when she got there. Looks suspicious to me.
Relaxation & Recreation Room
Posted on: May 12, 2019

Mateus – Shirogane – Ward 14, Lot 14 – Room #3
This isn’t actually a new-new room for our FC house, but one I just put some final touches on, making it ready to post about. I still think there can be some additional wall decor added, but I’m holding off to see what the new expansion releases for housing before investing a whole lot more.
Here we have a rec room – there’s an attended spa to get you in a chill mood. Lots of reading nooks, including one under the loft. Up top, is a couch perfect for arts and crafts, a musical moogle and a peaceful little aquarium.
There’s also a cushioned window nook and an art corner with another aquarium for inspiration. A number of of comfy napping spots and cushions are included for your enjoyment.

This personal room is labeled RP at the Homewood Cottage FC house, and is open to visit, like all the RP personal rooms. Address is up at the top!
If you stop in, please let us know in our Guestbook - located on the counter of our main room right near the front door. We appreciate the Likes and the comments! :)
Posted on: May 19, 2019

I’ve been working on getting Amon’s rep up with the non-crafting Beast Tribes finally. Just got him the /charmed emote tonight!
Half of the time, it looks like he’s trying to reach out and catch the heart!
Posted on: May 19, 2019

I posted about how Amon got the /charmed emote. Well, snapping pics of the emote with his mask on makes it look just a bit unnerving!
Posted on: May 29, 2019

Found in the Crystarium, during the media demo… see in this video here.
Big New Friend
Posted on: May 30, 2019

Amon made a big new friend tonight! He’s also having way too much fun.
Welcome to the Party!
Posted on: May 30, 2019

Moogle Treasure Trove event has begun! I’m prepared to run a ton of Syrcus Tower!