January 2021
- Happy New Year!
- A Sign, Mayhaps?
- All I Want for Starlight is You
- Girls’ Night Out
- Ironworks Healer
- Amon of Another Universe
- Scylla Showing Him How It’s Done
- For a Low, Low Cost…
- In His Youth
- Vaporwave Amon
- Putting Skybuilders’ Scrips to Good Use
- Corps-a-corps
- Time for a Crab Rave!
- Level 60 White Mage!
- Sometimes I Consider…
- Tad’s No Saint
- Amon Arrives in Black Desert Online
A Sign, Mayhaps?
Posted on: January 1, 2021
Look who got level 50 White Mage on his Nameday!

‘Twas a dark and stormy night…
Then, he and Scylla did Alliance roulette. Guess what was the first thing Amon healed at level 50?

All I Want for Starlight is You
Posted on: January 2, 2021

As a gift for Starlight, Amon and Scylla gave Koh with her very own Allagan node, programmed to help her with her history research. As a huge Allagan fangirl, Koh was absolutely overjoyed!
Girls’ Night Out
Posted on: January 3, 2021

One thing that I’ve wanted to get for Koh for a while is the set of glasses that her in-game NPC model uses. These happen to be the Inspector’s Eyeglasses that you get as a reward from the Scholasticate quest lines. I actually started these quests but never finished them on my main a long time back, so I’d not seen the fully story yet.
To unlock those quests, you have to first complete all of ARR Hildibrand quests, which I’d not yet unlocked on Koh. Scylla was up for speed running Hildy quests yesterday (it was a piece of cake to unsync through trials) so that we could both start the Scholasticate quest lines.
We finished up all that today – Koh got her glasses, the Spectacles emote and a new scholarly coat! Actually, I felt the story was pretty good, too!
Amon of Another Universe
Posted on: January 10, 2021
Sometimes when I need a break from FFXIV, I visit Amon in another universe.

I’ve been working on the appearance of this Amon bit by bit since summer of 2020. I admit, he’s a little funky looking (but he would be IRL by design), and I couldn’t find hair that fit him (especially around the ears), so I had to settle for a short pony tail.
Despite that, I feel like I was able to capture the more serious side of him…

As well as the goofier side of him, too!

Sometimes, in his explorations, he gets to be an actual travelling bard. Chocobos aren’t a staple in this world (though I’m sure I could find an off-brand if I looked for one), so he must make his way through it on horseback.

Though most of the time, Amon spends his time chilling out around the fishing holes, snagging a bit of cash here and there.

Any idea what world this Amon is from?

This is an Amon avatar I’m developing for an account in Second Life.
Scylla Showing Him How It’s Done
Posted on: January 12, 2021

Level 57 White Mage Amon! Slowly creeping towards 60.
For a Low, Low Cost…
Posted on: January 13, 2021
“…Of 2,000 Skybuilder Scripts, I will trade you this amazingly delicious apple!”

“‘Tis one of a kind! You’ll never find another quite like it!”

“Imagine your regret tomorrow if you don’t take me up on this incredible offer!”

“Hurry or I’m gonna bite it! I’m biting it!!”

((Tad might be a WoL… but he’s also Amon’s cousin. XD ))
Putting Skybuilders’ Scrips to Good Use
Posted on: January 16, 2021

Tad’s showing off his new glams.
Posted on: January 20, 2021

Don’t let anyone tell you that corps-a-corps is “perfectly safe.”
When you tether to the wall instead of the practice dummy…
Sometimes I Consider…
Posted on: January 23, 2021

Long haired Amon. Especially in glamours like these.
Amon Arrives in Black Desert Online
Posted on: January 29, 2021

I’ve had a BDO account since launch, but haven’t played in a while. Heard about the need to transfer accounts today, so I patched up the game and realized there were lots of new classes I’d never seen before. Including an elf archer. So guess who I rolled tonight?