July 2022
LalAmon’s Hat
Posted on: July 3, 2022

I wanted to get Amon’s Hat for my Lala alt because a Lala art party is coming up in a couple weeks. He was sitting just outside of Toto-Rak in terms of MSQ, so I had quite a ways to go with him.
I managed to burn through MSQ in a day and a some change, and then unlock the Crystal Tower series. The Lab I ran was a real doozie – wiped many time to things you don’t usually see a wipe on. I was pretty tired out by that time, but decided to go forward with just one Syrcus Tower run.
The very first run, Scylla drops the hat. I was rolling against one other person, but managed to out-roll them for the drop! I also got the pants, but lost the coat to them. But that’s fine. The hat was what I was after.
It was really neat to experience the newly reworked MSQ dungeons and trials, though. Some of them aren’t so easy!
Billboard Incident
Posted on: July 5, 2022

The infamous billboard incident happened today, and this was Amon's addition to the chaos!
Clockwork Steed
Posted on: July 12, 2022

I got my clockwork steed tonight! Only 188 more wins till Node.
LalAlagans at the Lalart Party!
Posted on: July 16, 2022

I managed to bring Scylla to the Lalart Party!
Brew Art Party
Posted on: July 24, 2022

Enjoying a spot of tea at the Brew Art Party - such a cozy location!
Tea and Tomes Renovation
Posted on: July 28, 2022

After getting the much-awaited Imagination Piano orchestrion roll yesterday, of course I had to re-design half of Amon's Tea and Tomes!