Choose Amon's Adventure
April 2023

Posted on: April 3
“I could do with a bit of time to get myself ready,” the bard decided. “I can start tomorrow if ‘tis no trouble.”
“No trouble at all,” Godbert said, making a flourish towards a large, ornate desk.
Once the agreement was made, Amon signed the two-night entertainment contract. He was furnished with a welcome package, a key to his room and an envelope with complimentary MGP – all very encouraging gifts to receive.
He was also given his schedule, which set him to his own devices until the next night when he was set to perform. All the information about time slots and stage locations were provided.
This had certainly been an eventful day. In fact, now that things were winding down a bit, Amon was feeling a bit heavy-headed.
He could seek out some strong tea to hopefully get a second wind and start his inspection of the other performers. Or, he thought as he looked at his room key, he could find his lodgings, take a short break, and come back around to it with a clearer head.

Posted on: April 10
Taking a short nap sounded like the best option for the time being. He’d have a clearer sense of things with a little food and sleep.
Reviewing the number on the key envelope, Amon went in search of his lodgings. It wasn’t hard to find, though it was back and out of the ways – as one would expect. Not a location prime to guests, and only something you’d discover if you knew where to look for it.
The room was small but cozy, decorated with the colors of the Saucer. The bed took up most the space, but that was fine. It wasn’t as if he was going to be here for more than two days as it was.
Flopping out in the bed, Amon found it comfy enough to instantly entice sleep. He only managed to kick off his boots before his eyes closed, and a swirl of odd dream state took him.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d slept, but he was eventually roused by a knock at his door. The light was low outside the small window, a sign that it was getting into evening. He needed to be up, anyhow.
Running his fingers through his hair in attempt to tidy it – that was a lost cause – Amon pulled open the door to find a Saucer worker bearing a tray.
“Sorry to interrupt you, sir,” the worker motioned to the foods on the tray. “Just wanted to know if you’d like a bite to eat!”
The bard glanced at the goods – mostly on-the-go food, but also some light spirits to wash it down with. He didn’t really need to indulge in alcohol at the moment, but it was tempting. His stomach gave a slight growl reminding him that he’d not eaten in far too long that day.
But really, what he needed to be doing was heading to see the shows of the other performers so he could plan out his own show. Certainly, he could hunt down something to eat on the entertainment floor, too.
Posted on: April 11
Oh dear! Help - it’s a tie!
We need a tiebreaker!
So let’s try again with just the top two options!

Posted on: April 12
What was the rush? Amon could take his time and partake of the free edibles – that was part of the package, after all.
“I’ll take some of that… and that… and that…” the Elezen pointed at various foods on the tray. “And what’s your suggested spirit for the night?”
The waiter gave a laugh, but didn’t miss a beat, “I’d say the Golden Cocktail.”
“I’ll take your recommendation then.”
The fellow was unloading his tray, placing the selected foods on the room table near the door. “Careful, though. It packs a punch.”
“I can hold my liquor just fine, my friend,” Amon told him. He took a long sip of the drink, feeling the burn on the way down, just to make his point.
“Famous last words,” the waiter laughed.
And somehow, that’s how they fell into conversation, chatting about life working in the Saucer, the kinds of people the lad met every day, the foods and the drinks and the entertainment. Before Amon realized it, time had passed, and he’d had more than his share of Golden Cocktails.
He was feeling them, but he tried not to let it show.
“You going to be alright?” the fellow asked. True to his work, he’d remained sober throughout the conversation.
“I’m fine,” Amon said, hearing himself slur his words a bit. “I had something I was going to do but… I’ve… forgotten what ‘twas now.”
“Ah, it was probably not that important then,” the waiter grinned. “Why not go out and have some fun? You said you weren’t performing tonight, right?”
“’Tis true…” the Elezen mused to himself. “Maybe I’ll…”