Welcome to My Guest Tome!

This is the archived 123 Guest Tome of old!

12:42pm 07-01-2023
I'm not very big in Fanfiction reading; deep RP stories or similiar but my dear god that passion creating all this and keeping it rock on years on years is amazing! Amazing screenshots too!

My deepest respect and keep going <3
Greetings from 'Dopine' on Lich/Light :)
Replied on: 12:54pm 07-01-2023

Oh my! Thank you so much - this means a LOT, especially since this is not normally your cup of tea.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me know. You're my inspiration! <3


12:53pm 05-14-2023
Hey Amon! I happened to peak over at your site today and I really love the layout and design. I can see how many years have been put into this and I really love it. I'll consider popping over with some tomes to appraise in the future if I see anything noteworthy. Cheers~
Replied on: 2:51pm 05-14-2023

Greetings Haru!

I appreciate you stopping by and dropping me a line! I look forward to appraising a tome for you should you have one. Best of luck in your adventures!


1:20am 03-12-2023
Hello Amon! How have you been?! I stumbled upon your site and thought it was super cool! I also love the tome appraisal idea. And the tea. Can't forget the tea.
Replied on: 11:18am 03-12-2023

Hello my friend! Thank you so much for stopping by and letting me know in my Guest Tome! Hope you enjoyed the tea and feel free to visit anytime!

8:03pm 01-24-2023
hi there! randomly stumbled upon this site and i just wanted to say i think it's really cool :-) keep up the good work!!
Replied on: 9:17pm 01-24-2023

Thanks so much for visiting and dropping me a line in the Tomebook! Glad you enjoyed your explorations. Take care!


5:17pm 12-08-2022
Dearest Amon. How attached are you to the coat you once wore during the days of the Allagan Empire?

Are you opposed to parting with it? If someone, not me of course, were to take it...would this upset you?

I'm asking for a friend. Who definitely isn't me.
Replied on: 7:03pm 12-08-2022

Dearest Violet.

Please tell your friend, who is definitely not you, that I am quite happy to share my fashion with anyone who is so inclined to adopt it. Should your friend manage to find the coat I once wore during the Allagan age, I hope that they will wear it as a badge of the highest honor knowing their fashion sense is tip top notch!

Take care and feel free to visit anytime!

10:12am 10-20-2022
Hello dear clone,
I love you!
When will your eyes become true Amon' eyecolour, which is aqua? Would love to see that!
Replied on: 10:36am 10-20-2022

Greetings Hermy!

True Amon eyecolor? I'm not sure what you mean by that. Aqua is a lovely color, don't get me wrong, but my eyes have always been gold. 'Tis the color passed from my mother's people, and I'm quite fond of it myself.

Love in return! <3


10:40am 03-31-2022
le epik
11:54pm 01-14-2022
Sun Xia
Great site! Love the art! What's your favorite pokemon? My favorite is Stebe Jobs.
Replied on: 10:22am 01-15-2022

Thanks for visiting! I'm partial to Mimikyu. :)

5:05am 12-31-2021
Nice site.

Happy new year.
Replied on: 9:44am 12-31-2021

Thank you for visiting! Hope you have a great new year too!

12:59pm 12-07-2021
Artemis Vandrian
Love your story Amon! Hope to one day meet you in game. :) Have a great day!
Replied on: 9:43am 12-31-2021

Thanks so much for stopping by and for reading my story! I'd love to meet up some day, if you have access to Mateus - hopefully we'll get some cross data-center travel soon, as well! :)

7:05pm 11-06-2021
Thank you so much for super kind comment in my guestbook!! It meant a lot to me, and really made my day. :D I adore your site so much, it's so awesome and a real joy to look and read through! It reminds me how much I love FF14, and how I absolutely wanna play more when I have the ability to. I've added your button to the mutuals section on my about page too! ^u^ Thank you so much again, and keep up your awesome work with your lovely site!
Replied on: 10:19am 11-07-2021

It's always fantastic to run across another FFXIV player on Neocities! Hopefully you'll be able to pick it up again sometime, especially with the new expansion coming. Thank you for adding my link to your mutuals - I'll be adding you back right away!

9:47am 10-06-2021
Eolyn Viera
I have now seen the under construction gif, and am pleased. My experience is complete!

Best of luck in the new project!
Replied on: 11:55am 10-06-2021

Wonderful! Happy that you found it! Thanks for stopping by. :)

10:52pm 10-05-2021
What a beautiful website! It's making me really consider ditching wordpress and building my website again using more old-school tools like you have. I haven't done much and it feels intimidating to learn, but I love the feeling of static websites so much for personal sites, profiles, blogs, etc, so I might have to give it another go...
Replied on: 11:21pm 10-05-2021

Give it a shot! I've learned so much about coding and putting together a site just from experimentation. If you decide to go with Neocities (which is free and where I'm hosting), there's a nice community and following system - somewhat social media-ish. It makes it feel less like you're coding into a void. Let me know if you do and I'll give you a follow! :D

8:22pm 10-05-2021
Like the new site!
Replied on: 8:51pm 10-05-2021

Thank you very much, my friend! I appreciate you stopping by!

6:14pm 10-05-2021
Eolyn Viera
I didn't see a single under construction gif on this entire site and I am very disappointed.

((Looks cute!))
Replied on: 8:50pm 10-05-2021

There is one if you click the "Blog" option in the sidebar. Probably will be one for a while until I figure out what to do with formatting all my posts! :D

1:15pm 10-03-2021
Woah, you're updating fast! Love the allagan node theme. Will have to come back to read all the new updates soon
Replied on: 12:18am 10-04-2021

Thanks for checking in on the site! I'm moving content off of an existing WordPress, so that's why it seems like it's going fast! I have so much to move, though that it feels like a BIG job! That's okay - I'm having fun with it! :)

10:53pm 10-01-2021
This is really old skool, Amon.
Replied on: 10:54pm 10-01-2021

I know! Isn't it great? :D

11:57am 10-01-2021
Thanks so much for vibing in my sector! I hope you have a spiffy day!