^The Great Lighthouse^
Posted on: Ocotober 27, 2022

While waiting for the upgrades and buildings in other areas to conclude, I took note that the mammets were offering to clear a way to yet another path, this time way up at the top of the hill. Once that was complete, I took note that another landmark could be placed here. Namely, a lighthouse.
‘Twas quite a view from up top there, too. Perfect for such a structure.

The materials required were no slouch, however. Again, it was up the steep mountain paths for much ore and stone. Thankfully, I had Cadu with me to keep me on my toes!

Once all the materials were gathered, the mammets got straight to work. ‘Twas another overnight job, and I was content to let them have at it.

Come the day, the most glorious sight could be found. The lighthouse was complete! And what a lovely and functional structure ‘twas.

I just hope the mammets know the workings of such a primitive structure, because I have no experience with sea-faring mechanisms such as this. I do feel, however, it has an importance being where ‘tis.
Once more, when I poked around inside, I was unable to use the ladders to fully investigate the structure.

That only compounds my hopes that the mammets know how to run the lighthouse since I’m barred from further entry. Ah, well!
^Island Chat^