The Technologist and the Tower - Part 10
Date Posted: May 8, 2023

It was late in the evening when Amon managed to get some of the power back on. It was enough for the doors to start working and the chamber lights to illuminate as they should. Though he really wanted to spend the night starting to hook into the data network, Tad’s disapproving frown kept him from pursuing further work.
Instead, the two of them worked together to get Node back into the charging dock. A little current testing told Amon that the dock was still functional, and it should probably have the machine back up and running by the morning.
Depending on the shape Node was in, it was probably better to wait and include him in the data setup anyhow. So, the technologist found himself reclining against the far wall, munching on the food that his cousin brought, and looking out over the balcony at the city below.
It was so strange to be standing there again, within the Tower. Within the room that once belonged to him. Fully home, even if the city below wasn’t the city he remembered.
It was just the feeling of people living, of life, around the base if the Tower. People thriving in its protective aether like they had when he’d been there. This made something within him warm and hopeful. It was an uplifting feeling he hadn’t had in a very long time.
Though he was there for research purposes, he reminded himself stanchly, a part of him wanted to just relax and become a part of life around the Tower again. It wasn’t even about bringing the Allagan ways or knowledge to the people – though Amon wondered if the people of the First would be as reluctant as the Eorzeans.
“Hey,” Tad suddenly appeared at his elbow, munching food of his own.
Amon startled, not having expected someone to pop up during his heavy pondering.
His cousin laughed a little. “Sorry, didn’t mean to surprise you.”
“’Tis fine,” the bard waved him off.
“I just wanted to check and see if you’re okay.”
“I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
Tad gave a slight shrug. “You’ve just been standing here staring out over the balcony for an hour.”
“You exaggerate.”
“Just a little. You have been standing here a long time.”
Amon gave a slight sigh. “I’m fine. This just reminds me of home.”
“Yeah, I bet it does,” Tad leaned against the wall next to him. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “They’re a good sort of people. Have had it hard, struggling to survive. The odds have been against them. But they were always welcoming and helpful to me. Well, the Beq Lugg thing aside.”
“The nerve of him.”
“The nerve of him,” his cousin imitated in soft jest.
This made Amon laugh a little before asking, “So what are you poking around at?”
Tad pursed his lips, staring out at the city below before answering. “I know your heart is tied to the past. The people of the Empire. Your duty to them. All of that.”
“The truth is, ‘tisn’t not coming back. I think you know that.”
“You came back,” Amon argued just for the sake of it.
“I’m special,” Tad cracked a droll grin.
The technologist snorted at that.
“But I’m serious, Amon,” his cousin said, tone turning grave to back up his statement. “’Tis a whole star out there – two of them now, if you count the First. A living star. Not just a remembered world stuck in your past.”
“What do you propose I do about it?”
“You could do a lot of good in the here and now.”
Amon’s gaze dropped down and to the side as he slowly shook his head.
“What do you mean no? The Amon I knew always sought to make the world a better place.”
“And look how that turned out.”
“Come on. ‘Tis different.”
“Different how? Apparently, my Other self ended up a crazy Ascian,” the Allagan waved his hands around to accent the word ‘crazy.’
“But ‘tisn’t you.”
“I just don’t think I can do it again,” Amon’s words hung heavily.
“Do what?” Tad tilted his head curiously.

“I spent my entire lifetime… sacrificed everything… trying to inspire and improve life for the Allagan people. And do you know what they did the moment it all fell apart?”
“I do… I was there…”
“Aye. They burned the remaining knowledge. Tore down anything that remained of Allag. They buried it all so far down that the world forgot we even existed!” Amon didn’t try to hide his hurt or irritation. Every time he thought about it, he felt more and more betrayed. “They’d rather fall to a dark age than carry the legacy of Allag with them.”
Tad sighed at this. There was no arguing about something that really did happen, but it was obvious his cousin wasn’t content with Amon’s grudge.
“So, no. Investing my heart and soul in another world. Another people? The Eorzeans don’t want what I have to give them. And this world… well, it probably already took what it needed from the Tower,” the technologist leaned back against the wall again with his arms crossed.
“Alright. I hear you.”
“You’re judging me.”
“I’m always judging you,” Tad tried to lighten it up with a little quip. Giving Amon a light slap on the shoulder, he strode back into the chambers. “Don’t stay out here too late. You’ve already put in more than a day’s work.”
“I know,” Amon murmured.
But he didn’t move. Not just yet. He wanted a little more time alone, there with the Tower and the feeling of a city below.