Meltdown - Aftermath
Date Posted: May 3, 2019

This chapter was written in collaboration with Scylla.
Scylla had gone back to her room to rest, leaving the node on Amon’s desk. She was tired, and not ready to have the reminder of her father staring as she fell into a dreamless sleep.
After the door shut, the node stirred back to life, glowing in a soft red light. The voice spoke in a quiet, solemn tone.

The Elezen glanced over at the node, surprised that it called to him. He came to stand next to the desk, not sure of how he felt when he looked at the machine.
“Aye. I’m here.”

“I’ve never been in a worse grind.” The voice sounded worried. “I might not make it out of this alive. I know you’ve had your differences, but if I don’t make it, keep her safe for me?”

Amon couldn’t help it. He gave a sorrowful choke and lowered his face into his hands. There was no shame to show such infernal softness in front of a muddled machine… was there?
It took a moment to compose himself enough to respond.
“I’ll try, Lord Diokeles.”
He wasn’t sure if he could even keep himself safe most the time. He certainly didn’t know how he could keep a promise to ensure the safety of someone else… especially Scylla, the person who saw him as her greatest threat.
But how could he say no?
He’d figure something out. He always did.