Tome Appraisal for Altuun Dalamiq

May 4, 2023

From the Client

The brief sound of conversation outside the entrance to the shop would be an indication that Amon's next client had arrived, exactly on time once more in what was becoming more and more familiar a routine. The discussion dispersed as Altuun entered the shop, her faithful carbuncle companion trotting dutifully along behind her.

"Ah, it feels like it has been an age, Amon," she remarked, making for her seat with no further delay. Her host, possessed of a keen eye for detail as he was, would easily spot the gleam of a bulky, metallic object of some sort peeking out from her pack, as well as her apparent change of uniform: the vibrant hue of Maelstrom red and captain's insignias adorning her shoulders were something she hadn't overtly displayed before.

"Pardon the commotion at the door; I had to send my Free Company off to finish the paperwork concerning the assignment from which I just returned," Altuun explained after a quick sampling of her choice of tea and other goodies.

Once finished, she retrieved the mystery object, alongside a diminutive specimen case bearing the insignia of the Garlean Empire, from her pack. The au ra placed both on the table on front of Amon, leaving the case open to reveal the tomestone nestled securely inside. Whether or not it was enough to take the technologist's gaze attention from the other proffered piece had yet to be seen. It was, unmistakably, an intact portion of ADS node frame, the still-illuminated red lines indicating the presence of an intact illuminant module within.

"As promised, I brought along something a little different this time. I was given an assignment to track down an imperial expeditionary company pilfering vulnerable ruins on the fringes of Carteneau, which is how I came into possession of both of these pieces. Regrettably, I don't have anything to go off of in terms of where they were plundered, as the officers in charge refused any form of surrender, but at least the artifacts remained unscathed."

With a sigh, Altuun nudged the tomestone forward for Amon to take. The distinctive smell of ceruleum weapons fire would be quite evident from this distance, perhaps lending some measure of credence to her story.

"In an official capacity, both of these are mine to do with what I decide best," she added, glancing down at an official-looking scroll canister packed in amongst the copious other odds and ends inhabiting her pack.

"Unofficially, that gives me the discretion to hand them over to whomever I see fit, free from questions or documentation. Given the nature of business regarding Allagan technology, I can more than understand when discretion is necessary."

Tome Attributes: Nothing that stands out.

Gil Donation: Not gil this time, per se...

Tea Order: Lavender Law

Amon’s eyebrows rose ever higher as Altuun unveiled surprise after surprise on her visit. While questions milled about in his mind, he knew it was probably best to leave well enough alone. She’d already provided more information than was warranted, after all.

“You have been busy, my friend,” Amon noted, allowing a bit of flattery to seep into his words. “And to think to bring me such glorious pieces – with what must not have been easily won – I am very much honored and excited to receive! Many thanks to you!”

Part of his thoughts were lingering on just what all he could do with a Node frame, and it took much self control to bring his focus back at the services at hand.

“Ah, but, before I get too carried away, let me see what sort of Tome you’ve brought me this time.” Upon picking it up for closer inspection, his senses were accosted by a strong scent. “This has likely seen its fair share of interesting times as well, I’d wager.”

Amon then poured her tea, offered up the usual food-treats, and once assured she was provided comfort, got straight to work.

Appraisal Outcome

This Tome strikes me as something used in educational establishments – from the data I’ve pulled, it appears to be a guide aimed towards teachers in particular. While I wouldn’t say ‘tis a super rare, especially at the time of the Allagan Empire, I’d surmise that not many copies of this would still be floating around.

The title works out to be something along the lines of: Teaching Computational Thinking and Coding to the Youth

This may have been common information for Allag, but I could see how this could valuable in a society still finding its way towards building greater technology. Not only can this type of thinking be taught to youth, but to aspiring adults who have not been exposed to such before.

Which, given where you might have found it, makes sense.

“I would hold this one close and take care who gets a look at this sort of educational tool,” Amon advised, returning the Tome and a copy of its data. “I doubt I need to stress the danger and the benefits of a guide to this path of thought.”

The Elezen glanced at her insignias with meaning.

“Mayhaps ‘tis good to have fallen into your hands, aye? As you’ve trusted to bring me such treasures, I will entrust this manner of thought into your hands.”

Amon paused, a little concerned he’d said too much. Then, clearing his throat, he tried to turn the conversation towards a lighter tone.

“You always do bring such fascinating Tomes! You know where to find me should you come across anything else, friend!”

-Tome Appraisal List-