Tome Appraisal for Naru Kahkol

May 5, 2023

From the Client

Naru enters the room a bit skeptically. The tip of her tail twitches left and right in curiosity.

"I've been told I can get a 'tome reading?'" She asks, her head cocked ever so slightly to the side and hand extended with a small tome resting inside.

"Though I must admit... I am slightly unsure as to the meaning of such a thing, nevertheless I would like to try."

Tome Attributes: None

Gil Donation: None

Tea Order: None

Amon looks up from his own cup of tea and nods with a smile.

“Indeed, if ‘tis a Tome reading you are looking for, you’ve come to the right place!” He then goes on to explain, “As you might know, the Tomes that adventurers find have the possibility to contain knowledge from ages past – from the Allagan age to be exact. Depending on how rare the Tome and its information, it could be like finding a valuable treasure.

“My job is to scan your Tomes and give you an appraisal – whether I think it’s worth more to take it to a collector than to just drop it off at the House of Splendors like so many others do,” he concludes. “I also have a list of collectors on hand, so if it does turn out your Tome is valuable, I can direct you to who would be most interested in purchasing it from you, as well!”

Amon nods, feeling he did a pretty good job of explaining his serves.

“Now, if you are comfortable with the process, I’ll see to your Tome and determine if it’s worth your time to seek out a collector.”

Appraisal Outcome

While this Tome looks to be in good condition and nothing out of the ordinary, the data imprint seems pretty fresh. Which means it’s not a copy of a copy of a copy – if you know what I mean. Clean data indicates that the Tome is closer to the original copy, or that there might not have been a lot of these made. In any case, this appears to be a work of fiction, mayhaps passed off as cultural research. The title translates to: Myths of Fantasy and the Supernatural It could be interesting to yourself and collectors what passed as “myths” for the Allagans, mayhaps!

Amon returns the Tome with a copy of the data upon it to his client. He also provides her with a list of possible collectors who might be interested in more fictional writing from the ancient times. “I’ve marked a few individuals on this page here, should you consider seeing to sell it. Just let them know I appraised it for you,” he tells her. “I can’t promise a huge return on gil, but if this topic happens to catch a collector’s eye, you never know. Shop around a bit and see what price you can get on it. “Best of luck!”

-Tome Appraisal List-