Tome Appraisal for Scylla Azyslis

January 6, 2024

From the Client Scylla

Tome Attributes: A few spots of rust

Gil Donation: Scylla already pays for half his bills since Amon hasn't been busking enough!

Tea Order: Green Genesis

As usual, Scylla walked in, and hopped over the bar when Amon was in the back. From her pack, she pulled out a tome - yet another find from scuttling around the Labyrinth. The white mage had found that there were increasing numbers of treks by new adventurers there lately. Strangely enough, they went in groups of twenty-four, every time.

It was a peculiar thing - they always complained about seeing the same hostile creatures over and over again. She wondered if one of Amon's replicators had fritzed out and was constantly churning out clones. It wouldn't be the strangest thing she had seen.

Nevertheless, the droves that came to the tower always meant for more healing needs, more gil, and of course, a few tomes that could be traded for scrapes, bruises, and raises.

And now with Amon's latest fortune, it meant that he was being more careful about collecting tomes. So in pity for the poor bard, she would bring a few by his shop.

She put the tome in his machine, and wiggled it about.

"Amon! It's not working again!" She took a look at the tome and blew on the contacts when he wasn't looking and put it in again, wiggling it back and forth.

Appraisal Outcome

Amon turns and sees Scylla in mid-puff on the Tome contacts. He makes a distressed sound, “No! ‘Tis just an old made-up tale! Blowing on the Tome can actually damage it!”

But she’s already off wiggling it in the machine’s seating. Wiggling a little bit is sometimes helpful, but she’s always so strong-handed with the tech.

Somehow, the machine hums to life, pulling up the data from the Tome to the screen. What he sees there is even more horrifying.

Title: Poems of a Lonely Technologist

A collection of his own personal poems, which the cover page indicates that it includes such masterpieces as:

  • Ode to a Node
  • Lament of the Bursting Beaker
  • Sorrow of the Power Outage

And much more.

“No!” Amon reaches to grapple for the Tome. “This is personal property! Cease and desist right away!”

-Tome Appraisal List-