August 2023
Local T-Shirt Shoppe...
Posted on: August 14

Local t-shirt shoppe continues to inspire new purchases!
Two Shards
Posted on: August 15

It was completely accidental that two Convocation shards ended up cousins in my story.
Back when I decided that Tad would be my (Allagan) shard of Azem, I could have never guessed Amon was a shard of Fandaniel.
That’s just how it shook out in the end!
So, have a pair of trouble making cousins, who are now your problem, Eorzea. Sorry, not sorry!
Weird Allagans
Posted on: August 17

Just weird Allagans doing weird Allagan things.
((I wanted to see what the headphones looked like on Elezen and it escalated from there.))