July 2023
Traveling Supporter Friend!
Posted on: July 2

While I wasn’t super keen in the Rank 25 PVP Series mount, it’s somewhat linked to Allagan clockwork, so I had to get it for Amon. It is rather neat looking in flying mode…

And it has little jets that come from the back, which are spiffy!

Dominant of Caduceus
Posted on: July 3

I was informed that I'm actually the Dominant of Caduceus, so this happened.
Curtain Call Gallery
Posted on: July 17

Yes, I did make a custom pose just for this. Might need some small tweaks, but it's pretty close to the Boss Amon's casting pose, I feel.
I wanted to make him look more dangerous, but he ended up smiling like mad anyhow.
Earlier this evening, Cadu was a little confused...

New Hair?
Posted on: July 18

It feels like a little more of a "serious" hairstyle for some reason, but it also makes him look younger, IMHO. However, it's the first new hairstyle I've tried on Amon (and I have tried them all over the years) that I didn't immediately dismiss (aside from the super long hair - but I use it on two alts, so I didn't want to use it on Amon as well).
So many styles make his ears look HUGE. XD
But his current hair, as much as I like it, clips with almost EVERYTHING. So it would be nice to be able to wear things Amon used to not wear due to clipping.
Ok, Ok, Ok!
Posted on: July 18
I know the hair poll isn't over with yet, but it seems like votes are heavily swayed towards trying out the new hair.
So, when the hair hit an affordable price on my server, I picked it up.
Because! Because! Because!
Just LOOK at how nice this hair fits with all of Amon's main glams and hats!

And more importantly, Amon can actually WINK now!

He couldn't wink before because one eye was always covered by his bangs.
Speaking of which, no more glasses clipping - there were some glasses he couldn't wear because of the bangs. Not to mention all the collar clipping the previous hair did.
So anyhow. Yes.
New Manderville Bow!
Posted on: July 21

Cadu approves of the new relic because it is snek-friend green!
I just find it interesting that it has 10 tuning pegs on either side, but no strings attached to them.
Posted on: July 29

After receiving many gifts of Tumblr dash crabs...
Why can’t I hold all these crabs?!
Thank you so much!
My dash will be raving with crab friends for DAYSSS! 🦀💖