June 2023
Hellhound Longbow
Posted on: June 16

Didn’t know what else to do with all my PVP trophies, so picked up a hellhound longbow! Kinda neat looking?
Steampunk Time!
Posted on: June 16

I’ve wanted to say all along, I’ve really liked the semi-steampunk style that the Island Sanctuary has been evolving to because it fits Amon quite well. But this is taking it to another level!
When Cadus Collide
Posted on: June 18

I logged in next to another player who also had a Cadu minion, and as minions do, they both rushed over to investigate each other for a moment. Quite cute!
Snek Support!
Posted on: June 21

Cadu heard that you have a challenging day today! Never fear - he has brought Snek Support! He believes in your power to overcome!