The Technologist and the Tower - Part 15
Date Posted: May 14, 2023

Thankfully, there were no guards in the upper passages of the Tower that afternoon as Tad snuck through the main hall towards the top throne room. He paused briefly, peering about the now-shadowy theater, memories of the battle between the alliance and Amon flickering through his mind. He’d been so worried that things were going to go wrong – all it would have taken was one little miscalculation, and there would have been no saving his cousin from defeat in the Tower.
But that hadn’t happened. Instead, he and Ben had been able to ensure that the soul transfer device that Amon had prepped carried out its purpose. Between Tad and Ben, they were able to sneak out Amon’s smaller cloned form, claiming to those who waited outside that he was a random adventurer discovered within.
They’d then entrusted Amon to the Gridanians, with Ben overseeing the situation. Even then, the mage had acted as a staunch ally, ensuring that the Allagan technologist came to no harm and was given a chance at a new life in Eorzea.
I can’t believe we actually pulled that off. For a while there, I didn’t think the Gridanian Council was going to work with us. But for some reason, they did.
Tad made his way up the final staircase to the wide-open throne room at the top of the Tower. The scene was breathtaking – crystal glittering in the afternoon sun, framed by running water that trickled down the sides into the Tower, going on to unknown locations. Where this water originated from, he had no idea. The Tower itself was a mystery, built so long ago, even by Allagan standards.
At one time, this throne was the seat of power for Xande himself – the Emperor that Tad and the Resistance had fought against. But now, it was home to a different sort of leadership, a figure of crystal forever standing firm at the top of the Tower.
You were obviously well-loved, G’raha.
Tad picked his way carefully through the flowers and offerings that were left by the Crystarium people, encompassing the Exarch’s still form. He wasn’t sure why he came up there again – maybe it was because he’d had time to come to terms with the understanding that the man was gone.
“Hey…” the Elezen greeted the statue. The Exarch always had a rather informal way of interacting when Tad knew him. “I’m not sure if you can hear me or not – I’ve been told that your soul was taken back to the Source. I guess I should really go and find out for myself when I have the time.”
He then sat down on a clear spot of crystal, peering around with a tired look.
“I never got to properly thank you for everything you did to help me last time I was here. If it hadn’t been for you, I don’t know if I would have been able to pull everything off,” Tad told him. “It all went as planned – introducing Unei and Doga to the NOAH team. Getting them to open the Tower and take down Xande. Breaking the pact with the Cloud of Darkness.”
The Elezen gave a soft laugh.
“But you already knew the importance of that, didn’t you? You were there – another you. So you must have known that I was telling the truth when I came to you for help.”
A soft breeze began to kick up, stirring up some of the dried flowers and casting the petals to the winds.
“I wanted you to know that I was able to save Amon. Or rather, the part of Amon that’s still untainted by the Ascian’s influence,” Tad said. “This hasn’t been easy for him, but I think he’ll be alright. Just be patient with him as he makes requests of the Tower. He’s searching for information about the truth of his situation. I just don’t know how much he’s going to find here. And I don’t know where else to take him to search for the answers.”
He then shook his head, getting to his feet and brushing his trousers off. “But… ‘tisn’t for you to worry about, is it? I’ll figure something out. ‘Tis what I do.”

Tad then began to walk back the way he came, feeling a little silly for having spouted off emotional riff-raff at a crystal statue. He did feel a little better for having done so, interestingly enough.
“I wonder if you’d remember me should we meet in the Source,” he cast one last look over his shoulder as he strode down the stairs. “I suppose ‘tis only one way to find out, aye?”