Memories: Year 25

Date Posted: August 1, 2021

((Disclaimer: A very subtle spoiler that we all pretty much knew anyway. Seems Amon and Emet-Selch go way back. One-off piece of headcanon writing inspired by Shadowbringers.))

Syrcus Tower - Amon Aged 25

“Will you please just listen? I’m not asking for anything else!” Amon flung up his arms, his lab coat flapping around him in an almost comical manner. As if he needed any help from that in looking foolish.

By the unimpressed expressions on his older co-techs’ faces, the only thing the young technologist had succeeded to do was paint himself as a target for their scorn. Most of them didn’t say a word as they filed out of the meeting hall, their poise indicating that he’d already wasted enough of their time.

The one who did have words for him, made it quite curt, “Come back when you have ideas you can back with more than feelings and fairy-tales.”

The door closed, leaving Amon in the dim room alone.

Through the crystal-glass window, he watched their white-coated backs stride down the corridor before turning the corner, vanishing out of his sight. The hope of Allag. The technologists. The ones born to lift up their decaying nation through science and the application of knowledge.

Gone. Just like that.

Amon felt his shoulders sag. He knew that his peers would not kindly take to the idea that their medical pursuits would not bear fruit. Perhaps they had been successful in granting enhanced properties within their test subjects. But what good was any of that if there was still no motivation to use these gifts?

All of his life, he’d watched his nation flounder under the weight of its own importance. With no direction and little leadership, it was slowly folding in on itself, spiraling downward into decadence. And the men who were meant to step up to the challenge of fixing it all were simply too narrow-sighted to think beyond the boundaries of what had already been tried.

“A true shame,” said an unfamiliar voice from the corner of the room.

Amon startled, not aware that anyone had remained. He squinted at the other man, who slowly stepped into the dim light, revealing a face the young technologist did not recognize.

He was dressed in a similar lab coat, but the colors around the edge of his collar indicated he was from the branch in Azys Lla. At first, Amon wondered if something was amiss, for the man stood with a peculiar slanted almost-hunch, as if he bore all the weight of the world. Pale yellow eyes observed him with almost a bored expression, belying wit and intelligence. His short-cropped black hair was highlighted with a single shock of white running at his brow.

“Aye,” Amon answered, the word coming out more wary than he meant for it to sound.

The man strode closer, hand gestures more animated than his expression. “I do believe that I behold the young prodigy of Lord Diokeles. Amon, is it?”

“Aye,” he answered again, and realizing he sounded like a broken Tomeclip, he tensed slightly. It wasn’t every day that a technologist from on high – Azys Lla – knew your name. “Though, I’d not call myself a prodigy, sir.”

“But I would,” the man almost purred with a slow smile spreading over his face. It may have been a trick of the light, but it appeared almost predatory. “Your work precedes you.”

“Oh?” Amon’s arched an eyebrow, not sure what to make of the direction that the conversation was moving.

A flick of the man’s wrist, and a Tomepad dropped on the table. The Elezen saw a picture of his own smiling face pinned in the upper corner, accompanied by a list of his projects, awards, publications and everything he’d worked on in his 25 years of life.

He wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this. It felt a little creepy… but was also quite flattering. Someone from Azys Lla had taken notice of him!

“Lord Diokeles has nothing but the highest praise for you,” the man told him, voice smooth and composed. “Given your accolades, I’m inclined to believe him.”

“Well, you appear to be the only one who does,” Amon muttered under his breath, speaking more freely than he probably should have. The man’s relaxed nature had an odd effect on him. “These stuff-shirts wouldn’t know a good idea if you brained them with it. And trust me, somedays I’m tempted to.”

The Azys Lla Tech gave something that sounded like a chuckle. Then, he sat on the table, putting his feet right in the cushiony chair. “Tell me. What’s your grand idea, young prodigy?”

The Elezen paused with his mouth open, gold eyes wide, reflecting the other man’s gaze. 

“Well, I…”

It started out slowly, an embarrassingly choppy sales pitch for someone who’d studied theater for most of his life. Training failed him now, though Amon didn’t understand why. Something about this man made the young technologist feel like he was performing his greatest act before the vastest audience.

The man’s face gave nothing away. His expression neither accepted nor rejected. Just absorbed.

Amon found himself spilling everything. How worthless all their enhancement research was. How building up the people through intelligence and knowledge… both of which they already had in droves… did nothing to fill the hollowness that was growing in their society.

How only direction, inspiration, and purpose could lift the Empire out of its slump.

“Allag was built on the aspiration of an amazing visionary,” Amon had finally found his stride and theater voice, motioning wide with his hands. “The legends of Xande the First are more than just stories. They’re history. That’s the kind of leadership, drive and charisma Allag needs to find its way again.”

The man remained silent, still waiting. For what, Amon didn’t know.

“If we could just find a way to bring that back. I know that sounds…” the technologist stopped and shook his head. “I don’t even know where to begin. I suppose I can’t blame them for being skeptical.”

The Azys Lla Tech finally moved, folding his fingers together to make a temple of his hands. The thoughtful look almost seemed false. But the words that followed eased the Elezen’s concerns.

“I’m impressed. You came up with all of that on your own?”

“Consider me a connoisseur of history and legends, sir,” the Elezen smiled slightly.

“In fact, I’m so impressed, I think I shall find some resources to donate to your research project.”

“Sir… it’s not really an approved project yet…” Amon felt a shock rush through him. It was all that he could do not to let his jaw drop.

“Matters not.” The Azys Lla Tech began tapping on his Tomepad, his face still not giving anything away. “You prefer to work in the Syrcus facility?”

“Aye, sir.” The words came out breathily.

“Let me see what lab space I can free up. Resource Management will be in touch. You can request the materials you need from them.”

Amon’s eyebrows rose higher. “S-sir?”

The man’s pale eyes flicked at him, a slight twist of amusement on his lips. “Consider me a patron of your ideas. I expect to see great things from you, Amon of Syrcus.”